The Best Customer Questions of 2023:
Another year is officially in the books for Walker Tape®, and what a year it was! We released two brand new products in System Revitalizing Mist and Perfecting Spray, debuted our brand-new website, and helped raise money for a good cause.
As tradition, Walker Tape® likes to look back on all of the questions our wonderful clients asked us over 2023, and highlight the ones that were the most helpful and unique.
Each answer covers the information in depth, but if you have any additional questions or concerns, please reach out to our Customer Service team.
How Can I Buy from Walker Tape®?
The official Walker Tape® website received a massive and much needed upgrade this past year. With that upgrade, buying from us got a whole lot easier!
Simply login to your customer account on our website & find, order, and buy your favorite products in just three clicks! Or you can use our new “Quick Order” option to place your order even faster.
For those who prefer to order over the phone or email, our reliable Customer Service team is available from 8am – 4pm MST, and ready to help! Just contact us at 1.800.759.5150, or email at [email protected]
How Can I Find Authorized Online Retailers?
While Walker Tape® does not sponsor or partner with online retailers, we do keep a handy database of those who buy and use our products.
By using our “Find a Salon/Distributor” Tool on our website, you can enter your address and find retailers near you who buy and use Walker Tape® products.
How Can I Give My Clients the Advertised Hold Times of Walker Products?
Preparation is crucial component to anything involving hair systems – the unit, the client, the scalp, and especially the bond.
Start by washing your client’s hair and scalp clean with Bond Breaker Shampoo. Bond Breaker washes out residual stickiness – such as leftover adhesive & remover, dirt, sweat, skin oils, etc. – from both the unit and your client’s skin, preparing a clean surface for bonding.
Then, wipe down your client’s scalp with our 99% Alcohol to further sanitize and clean for better bonding.
Finally, apply a scalp protector (either Scalp Protector or Max Hold Sport) to the client’s scalp to help boost the adhesive strength, along with applying a thin layer of protection.
These guidelines will generally help achieve the best bonds for your clients. However, skin type, skin chemistry, climate, and other factors can affect hold times.
What Is Max Hold Sport?
Max Hold Sport is Walker Tape®’s strongest scalp protector!
Max Hold Sport protects the scalp from potential irritation from adhesive contact, while also keeping the adhesive in place by defending it against sweat, scalp oils, water, and other factors.
Use Max Hold Sport during the preparation process, right after the scalp is washed and clean with Bond Breaker Shampoo & 99% Alcohol. Apply 1-2 coats evenly across the scalp, then let dry before proceeding to adhesives.
It is best used for your clients that live more active lifestyles, sweat more, or live in hot and humid environments.
Is It Okay to Leave C-22 Solvent on the Hair System Overnight?
While leaving our C-22 on the base and hair of the hair system overnight before washing it out in the morning should generally be safe, it’s always a good idea to follow the recommended usage instructions of washing immediately after removal.
I Accidently Used Sodium Lauryl Sulfate on My Extensions. Will They be Okay?
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is an ingredient we recommend avoiding when one has hair extensions, as it can dry out the fibers, affect the tape hold over multiple exposures, and cause other unnecessary issues.
That said, accidentally using sodium lauryl sulfate on extensions once should not have too much of an affect, if any, on hair extensions. Be sure to exercise caution and lookout for hair products that may contain it.
Can Tapes Cause Headaches after Install?
There are a few reasons that tapes could be causing headaches, but the main culprits we see over and over again are:
- The tape is pulling on the bio hair. Walker Tape® always recommends shaving all of the client’s bio hair before applying any adhesives, as this will help prevent any painful pulling on the scalp.
- The tape was misplaced or was placed too tightly on with the system. Both issues can cause tugging on the scalp, which can then potentially lead to headaches.
We always recommend talking with a stylist about these kinds of problems, as they have the tools, knowledge, and products to help best deal with and solve them.
How Can I Avoid Sore Scalp After My Hair System Fitting?
To help with sore scalp, we recommend talking to your stylist or medical professional for product recommendations for soothing your scalp.
Giving your scalp a day or two without wearing the hair system can be a great way to give it a break before refitting which can ease the soreness. It’s important to keep your scalp clean and cared for, both while wearing the system and while taking a break from wear.
You can also find a stylist near you by using our “Find a Salon/Distributor” tool on our website.
Thanks for sticking around for another great year with Walker Tape®. As always, if you have any questions you’d like to see on the “Best of 2024” blog, feel free to leave a comment, email our Customer Service team at [email protected], or call us at 1.800.759.5150.
We hope to see you again here next year!