The Best Customer Questions of 2024
The best questions of 2024. As is tradition at Walker Tape®, we like to look back over the past year and pick out some of the best questions that we were asked....

Comparing Hair Replacement Options
Comparing hair replacement options. For those dealing with hair loss and entering the world of hair replacement, trying to find something that works for their specific situation can be tough. Maybe one...

Getting Ready for Install
Getting ready for install. Removing, cleaning, prepping, and installing a hair system is almost like a journey of a thousand steps – namely because it seems there are a thousand steps that...

Product Spotlight: System Revitalizing Mist for Synthetic Hair
System Revitalizing Mist for Synthetic Hair. Synthetic hair units come with their own unique challenges compared to other systems. Since the fibers are not made of bio-hair, standard hair care practices like...

Product Spotlight: Extenda-Bond Plus
Product Spotlight: Extenda-Bond Plus. Finding the right hair system tape can be tough. There are so many factors to consider and match for both the client themselves and the tape - the...

Fixing Issues with Your Hairline
Fixing issues with your hairline. One of the more ubiquitous problems that pop-up for stylists and wearers is issues with the hairline. Since the hairline sits at the front edge of the...

Taking Care of Your Scalp
Taking care of your scalp. The scalp is the epicenter for all things hair systems. It is responsible for holding and bonding the adhesive, keeping the system in place, and the overall...