Beautify Extension Release


Bye, Bye Hair Extension Tape: You Revolutionary, You!

As far as staying trendy goes, hair extensions have had a pretty impressive run these last 5500 years. Yet we didn’t have the genius idea of using tape until recently. The first searches for tape-in extensions popped up on Google at the end of 2006 and beginning of 2007, the same year we began Hair Extension Tape. We’ve played an active role in the extension tape revolution since the beginning. And so has Extension Release.

It was the first remover we created specifically for the market’s new phenomenon of taping in hair extensions. And, fast-forward to now, Extension Release continues to be our most popular hair extension tape remover, trusted the world over by stylists.

Why So Popular?

  • Cleaner removals
  • Faster, easier reinstalls

With its alcohol-based formula, Extension Release cuts through the tape’s bond to the hair and then evaporates. Without any oily residue leftover, it makes cleanup during removals and reinstalls that much faster and easier. These conveniences in mind, it makes sense why Extension Release has reached the status that it has.

And as we switch our product line from Hair Extension Tape to our new Beautify brand, it makes sense why Extension Release should be our first remover to make the switch.

And Hello Beautify Extension Release

Extension Release

Since we launched Beautify with No Shine, our most popular extension tape, it’s fitting that our first Beautify remover should likewise be our most popular. Plus, Extension Release was our first Hair Extension Tape remover, and now it’s the first of our Beautify line as well. Basically, we’ve grown sentimental about it.

So starting today, July 1, Extension Release displays our sleek new Beautify packaging. It’s the same remover that made it our most popular for years. Now it simply sports a look and feel that we think better reflects its quality.

Extension ReleaseWe’re Celebrating with an Exclusive Gift to You, Our Exclusive Customer!

We’re so thrilled with the direction we’re headed with Beautify that we want to show the scale of our excitement. And, of course, we want to invite you to celebrate with us.

If you’re a current customer check your inbox for a special email gift from us to help you enjoy all the bottles of Extension Release you need.

If you’ve yet to become a wholesale customer, make today the day. The perfect time to make saving money on Walker Tape products your new norm.

And lastly, mark your calendars for October 1, the day Duo-Pro gets its long-awaited Beautify makeover.

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