Answering Your FAQs About MOQs
Answering your FAQs about MOVs. As a distributor or a salon owner or a stylist, you’ll often hear many, many different terms and lingo being thrown around between parties. One that is...

How to Save Systems During the Hair Shortage
It’s no secret that there’s a shortage in just about everything right now. Labor and material shortages lead to supply chain delays that have made some things a lot harder. Like getting your...

Hair Extensions: Where Does Beautify Fit?
If you’ve worked with tape-in extensions before, you may initially be unsure about what to do with Beautify Tapes. New tape-ins always come with tape already on them, that way you can install...

The Benefits of Using Products Seasonally
With the changing of the seasons comes new holidays, new opportunities, and different kinds of activities. But with each new season also comes challenges for your tapes and adhesives and how they will...

What to Look for in an Everyday Shampoo for Tape-In Extensions
Finding a good daily use shampoo to recommend to your tape-in extension clients can be tricky. No worries though! We've got you covered with our top tips on how to find a great...

Amazing Questions We’ve Received Over 2021
Over the course of a year, we get a lot of great questions, for both Walker Tape and Beautify. We love hearing from you and finding the best way that we can help...

Which Tape Goes Best with Each Kind of Hair System
There are a lot of things that, as a stylist, you need to know! Things like what kind of system you should recommend to your client is a major one. But once that's...