
We Ship Internationally!

Shipping rules and regulations carry from country to country and since most of our liquid products are considered hazardous, there are special rules we have to follow. Send us an email with your order...

Bad Hair Extensions

You have seen it, walking down the street, at the mall, at the grocery store…and you scream in HORROR!! What is it?? Bad hair extensions!!
I know, EEK, right? But it happens,...

Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQ highlights some of the most common questions our customers have about Walker Tape. As an international customer, will I be charged extra fees for bringing Walker Tape products into my country?...

Top 5 Reasons Why Women Wear Hair Extensions

What is the point of hair extensions? Why are they so popular? Why do women love them? Here is a list of the top 5 reasons women wear hair extensions. 1-Women will cut...

Hair Extension Tape Tabs

Hair extensions tape tabs, ever heard of them? They’re a must have item for any stylist installing tape-in extensions. They come on sheets with 12 tabs. The actual tab measures about 1.5 inches...

Leave-In Conditioner

This is the ultimate leave-in conditioner. It moisturizes and detangles your hair to make sure the hair looks natural and healthy longer. It is equally good for extensions, hair units, and your natural...

Weft Release Tape Remover

Looking for a hair extension adhesive remover that does not burn your nostrils? Something that will not eat through the tape and make it gummy? Look no further than our Weft Release. Weft release...

Leave-In Conditioner

Did you know that we have an excellent leave-in conditioner?  Well, we do! It has a very pleasant smell and is amazing for your hair! It’s safe to use on your human hair extensions without...

New Ultra Hold Minis!

Do you love our Ultra Hold tape? Then have we got an amazing product for you! New Ultra Hold Mini’s! Got your attention yet? I bet we do! Well, here is a picture of what...