water-based adhesives - header graphic

Using Water-Based Hair System Adhesives

Using water-based hair system adhesives.   Water-based adhesives are some of, if not the most, popular adhesive choices for hair system wearers and stylists both. From skin gentleness to being easier to apply,...
Walker 10 Ingredients Blog

Our 10 Most Commonly Used Ingredients

What Walker Tape and Beautify Are Made Of   Walker Tape and Beautify products are staples in hair replacement and hair extensions for both their performance and literal ingredients. Our tapes, adhesives, removers,...

Guide to Storing Beautify Tape-In Extension Products

Out of the Box & Onto the Shelves   You’ve ordered a bunch of Beautify tape-in extension products. They arrive at your salon . . . now what? How can you get the...
Storing Walker Tape® Products

Storing Walker Tape Products

Picture this: your client is coming in for an installation appointment. Their chair is ready, your station is clean, and you have your tools and Walker Tape® prep products ready to go. All...
Salon Business Planning

Salon Business Planning: Save More on Inventory, Orders, & Shipping

Salon Business Planning: Helping with Inventory Control   A phrase like inventory control can sound pretty cold and daunting. But first impressions aside, what it really amounts to is a stroll down memory...
Sensitive Skin Blog

Have Clients with Sensitive Skin Conditions or Scalp Abrasions?

What Are Scalp Abrasions?    Scalp abrasions are damage to the skin's surface, such as cuts and scrapes. These can be from trauma that can even cause short-term hair loss while the scalp...
Best Selling Removers

Our Bestselling Removers & Extension Tape Pairings

Pro Tip on the Smoothest Tape-In Extension Removals Every Time    Often, we use a remover kind of like a universal remote. Doesn’t it remove the same, after all, on any tape-in we...
Salons and Pandemics Blog

Hair Salons and Pandemics

Salons and COVID-19   There’s no question salons keep facing tough choices as COVID-19 cases continue to rise in several places.    The things public health experts warn about sound all too familiar...

Best Adhesive & Remover Combos for Removing Walker Tape Products

Our Best Adhesive & Remover Combos: Removing Walker Tape Products Just Got Even Easier!   It's well known to the seasoned stylist that each client requires a different hair replacement solution. This includes...