Pro Tips on How to Remove Tape-in Extensions
Our four extension removers have come from decades of hands-on expertise. We started creating them in 2007, when tape-in hair extensions were first beginning to revolutionize the industry. Before that, we’d spent decades making adhesive removers for hair systems.
That’s why each one is of the best quality on the market. We’ve applied the same expertise to them that’s made us the leader in the hair replacement industry.
But even the best tools can fall short unless we know how best to use them. So, we’ve put together the following tips and overview to help you take full advantage of our entire line of extension removers.
Pro Tips
1. Start at the middle of the tape. Instead of starting at the ends, work the bond loose from the middle so the extension is easier to remove.
2. Use a tail comb (aka rat tail comb). The tail allows you to remove the tape from the middle with pinpoint accuracy.
3. Transfer the solvent from our packaging into a syringe. Use the syringe to apply the remover onto the extension. This method helps you apply the solvent exactly where you want to. It also gives you the end of the syringe to use like a rat tail comb to work the bond loose from the middle.
How Do Extension Removers Work?
Tape-in extension removers are solvents. When we throw around a word like solvent, we simply mean something that dissolves. In this case, they dissolve the tape’s adhesive.
This weakens the tape’s hold to your client’s hair. Or when you’re using Weft Release, as we cover more below, it weakens the tape’s hold to the extension itself.
In the hair extensions world, we have two different solvents to choose from: alcohol-based removers, and oil-based removers. Each has their bragging rights and limitations, so we hope the following helps you discover the best fit for your salon.
Beautify’s Hair Extension Removers
Alcohol-Based Adhesive Removers
We offer a couple of alcohol-based options: No Trace and Extension Release.
Alcohol-based removers tend to have two big strengths, along with a couple of limitations to consider. Let’s start with the good news. They quickly release the extension from the hair and then vanish completely, giving you one less thing to worry about during cleanup.
However, this trick of evaporation may require repeat applications. After all, it’s possible for the solvent to evaporate before completely removing the tape residue. Generally speaking, alcohol-based solvents are slightly slower than oil-based options when it comes to breaking down the tape’s adhesive. Again, though, emphasis here is on generally speaking, because we’ve created an alcohol-based remover that is every bit as quick as the fastest oil-based choices. Raise the curtains for No Trace.
No Trace
No Trace gets our vote for best extension remover. End of story. It has the most worthwhile traits of both alcohol- and oil-based solvents. The best of both worlds makes it our greatest all-around performer. It breaks down adhesive as fast as oil-based solvents, but since No Trace is alcohol-based, its cleanup requires zero effort on your part.
We created No Trace specifically to cater to stylists who prefer the easy application of oil-based options and for stylists who prefer the easy cleanup of using alcohol. It combines the strengths of both methods.
- Frees the extension from the hair quickly
- Breaks down adhesive buildup fast
- Evaporates completely without leaving behind any residue to clean
- Smells pleasant
- Apply to the area you want to remove.
- Wait 10 seconds, then begin working the bond loose.
- Apply more as needed.
Extension Release
Extension Release is both our first and bestselling remover for extensions and has become a staple in the industry. While we think No Trace will soon take over that number one spot, it’s clear stylists love the benefits of this alcohol-based option. Extension Release has become a staple in the industry.
Stylists keep going back to Extension Release for its easy, quick cleanup. This option works especially well when removing tape with a stiff carrier that’s been in the hair for a shorter time. In such cases, the tape removes in one solid piece without leaving a gummy mess.
- Frees the extension from the hair quickly
- Evaporates completely without leaving behind any residue to clean
- Apply generously to the area you want to remove.
- Wait 20 seconds, then repeat the process.
- Begin working the bond loose.
- Apply more as needed.
Oil-Based Adhesive Removers
In some ways, oil-based removers are the opposite of alcohol-based choices. Where alcohol may need repeat applications and slightly lag in breaking down tape, oil-based removers only require one application and work fast.
However, where alcohol evaporates, the oil part of oil-based removers leaves a little residue and requires cleanup. That said, the residue comes off easily with soap and water. Plus, we always recommend washing your client’s hair with Extension Prep Shampoo for the best extension hold times.
We offer two oil-based options: C-22 Solvent and Weft Release. C-22 frees the extension from the hair, and Weft Release frees the tape from the extension itself.
C-22 Solvent
C-22 is the stronger of our two oil-based solvents. It works fast and adds the pleasant, mild fresh scent of oranges to your salon. While it requires a bit more cleanup than an alcohol-based choice, C-22 rinses out easily with Extension Prep Shampoo.
Many stylists prefer working with oil-based options. They break down tape super quickly and only require one application since the oil doesn’t evaporate.
- Breaks down adhesive buildup fast
- Rinses with soap and water
- Smells fresh
- Apply to the area you want to remove.
- Wait 1 minute, then start working the bond loose.
When complete, wash with Extension Prep Shampoo.
Weft Release
Weft Release is specifically designed only for removing tape from the extension’s weft. For this reason, it’s not included in the above comparison chart. As an oil-based solvent, it breaks down adhesive buildup quickly and rinses off very easily with soap and water. Weft Release leaves a surprisingly little amount of oily residue, and its smell brings a summer freshness to your salon.
Once you’ve already freed the extension from your client’s hair, use Weft Release to then remove the tape from the extension itself. It’s the most budget-friendly option when it comes time to retape wefts.
- Primes weft for the best hold times when retaped
- Leaves hardly any oily residue
- Rinses easily with soap and water
- Smells fresh
- Apply to the area you want to remove.
- Wait 1 minute, then start working the bond loose.
- When complete, rinse with soap and water.
Proper Storage
All of our extension removers are flammable and combustible. So, it’s vital to keep them away from sources of possible ignition: heat, flames, sparks, pilot lights, electric motors, static electricity, etc.
Since they contain solvents, it’s best to store them locked and out of reach of children. Of course, if there’s an accident, we have safety sheets available on all our removers.
To get the most from our removers, we also have the following storage tips.
- Make sure to keep the remover’s container tightly closed.
- Store the remover consistently in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated place.
- Keep the remover at room temperature, at the very least below 90°F at all times.
Feel free to contact us with any other questions that you have about hair extension removers. Also, try out any of these great options for the best price guaranteed.