Preparing Hair Systems for Storage

Preparing Hair Systems for Storage - Graphic

Preparing hair systems for storage correctly is crucial to keeping them in tip-top shape. Improper storage can leave systems to gather unnecessary oils, moisture, dust buildup, and other factors that can cause serious damage. 


Nobody wants that. 


That’s why we’ve made this easy-to-use guide on preparing hair systems for storage. 


1. Clean the Hair System 


The first step to storing systems is to thoroughly clean the unit beforehand. Letting the system stew in adhesives, sweat, and dirt in storage can ruin it before it can be worn again.  


There are three steps to washing the system before storage: 


It may also be beneficial to explain the storage process to your client to help alleviate any anxiety they have around system storage, especially if they have two systems that they alternate between.   


Wash With Bond Breaker Shampoo 


Our Bond Breaker Shampoo works to rid the hair system of any leftover residual stickiness and oiliness from the previous wear. The built-in scrubbing beads help to carefully grasp and remove the residue from the hair fibers. 


In lukewarm or room temperature water, begin washing the system, working out as much of the solvent or remover as you can. 


Apply Bond Breaker Shampoo onto the system as you are washing, and continue to clean the system of solvent, dirt, and residue. 


Once Washed, Spray Leave-In Conditioner on the System 


Once fully cleaned, spray the hair system down with either our Leave-In Conditioner (made for bio/natural hair systems) or System Revitalizing Mist (made for synthetic hair systems). 


Leave-In Conditioner and System Revitalizing Mist are formulated to help extend the life of your client’s hair system. They detangle and defrizz the hair, moisturize the fibers, and rejuvenate to make it look as good as new. 


Be sure to spray along the length of the hair, away from the base. The ingredients that make the hair feel smooth and soft can weaken adhesive performance if it’s applied on the base. 


Let the conditioner sit for roughly 30 seconds, then gently comb the system until the product is fully worked into the hair.  


If you are working with mesh systems, give a few quick sprays of our Top-Loc Knot Sealer on the inside of the system. This will help to seal the knots and keep the system in good quality. 


Let Air Dry 


Air drying is the healthier way to dry hair since it avoids heat damage. We recommend using a hair system stand that keeps the form of the system. Allow it to completely air dry before styling. 


2. How to Store the Hair System 


After the system is done being cleaned, it is now time to store it. There are quite a few factors that can potentially ruin a hair system, and storing the hair system correctly will help prevent them. Starting with: 


Storing in a Container


Hair systems are a fragile product. Anything of significant weight can crush and deform them, rendering them unwearable.  


We recommend storing hair systems in a solid, sturdy container that can hold weight and protect from contaminants like moisture and dust. This will help guarantee that the system will be safe and secure in storage. 


Keeping Away from Light, Moisture, and Dust


Light (the Sun, UV rays, etc.), moisture (oversaturation, humidity, etc.), and dust can all cause the hair system to age faster and shorten the wear of the hair.  


Store the hair system in a dark, clean, and dry area. By doing so, you can help your clients get the most wear out of their systems. 


With proper hair system storage techniques, you can guarantee that your client’s system is going to be safe and secure for their next installation appointment. 

Preparing Systems For Storage Infographic


Ready to put these storage practices to good use? Become a wholesale customerand get products, tips, and advice on all things adhesives and hair systems. 


  1. Silvia Herrera on May 31, 2021 at 10:46 am

    I have been working with hair systems for over 20 years I store them separately in large envelopes with their names on them and store them in a file cabinet. During the pandemic I had stock systems that I had for over 5 years stored this way thank God when I was having to wait months for new orders to arrive I had these back up systems that I was able to use they were in perfect condition!

    • Monique Morrison on August 12, 2021 at 4:42 pm

      That is so smart and very organized! I’m sure your clients were very appreciative

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