Blog: Beautify


Top Selling Hair Extension Solvent

Our Weft Release is flying off the shelves!! Are you looking for a way to get your extension tapes off the weft? After using our Extension Release to get the tape in extensions out, put...
Best Tape for Tape-In Hair Extensions - Graphic

Best Tape For Tape In Hair Extensions

Hair extensions give your clients many, many avenues to drive their hairstyles down. More volume or more length? Maybe try this hairstyle this week, and then another a week after? How about a...
5 secrets to longer hold times - graphic

5 Secrets To Longer Hold Times

There are two things hair system wearers want more than anything in the world: 1) an all-natural look when wearing a unit, and 2) a strong and secure hold. As a stylist, those...

Extension Release

Looking for a fast acting solvent to get out your extensions?  Extension Release is very fast acting and non oily. The biggest benefit of having a non oily remover, is that you can...

Replacement Tape For Extensions

Walker Tape Co. is the leading manufacturer of replacement tape for hair extensions. Are you looking for replacement tape in wholesale quantities? Just retail sizes?  We have replacement tapes in just about every size...

Bad Hair Extensions

You have seen it, walking down the street, at the mall, at the grocery store…and you scream in HORROR!! What is it?? Bad hair extensions!!
I know, EEK, right? But it happens,...

Top 5 Reasons Why Women Wear Hair Extensions

What is the point of hair extensions? Why are they so popular? Why do women love them? Here is a list of the top 5 reasons women wear hair extensions. 1-Women will cut...

Hair Extension Tape Tabs

Hair extensions tape tabs, ever heard of them? They’re a must have item for any stylist installing tape-in extensions. They come on sheets with 12 tabs. The actual tab measures about 1.5 inches...

Weft Release Tape Remover

Looking for a hair extension adhesive remover that does not burn your nostrils? Something that will not eat through the tape and make it gummy? Look no further than our Weft Release. Weft release...